
The Digital Career Institute will change your life!

"I didn't think it would be so easy to begin a career as a Web Developer and with some hard work that's what I'm doing” — Hussein, DCI Alumni


12 months of intensive training taught by industry experts + 2 months of internship.

01|Front End Basics

Design and build websites using HTML and CSS. Learn the fundamentals of programming using JavaScript.

02|Backend Development

Understand everything about servers, databases, how to deploy and scale data-servers.

03|Single Page Application

Learn how to build responsive and scalable websites & web-apps using popular JavaScript frameworks like React.

04|Final Project

Unleash your creativity! Apply what you have learned by developing a real-world project and showcase it to companies.

Ready to become a Front End AND Back End Developer also known as Full Stack Developer? Join us now and we will make you a professional.


12 months of intensive training taught by industry experts + 2 months of internship.

01|SEO & Analytics

Learn how to increase visibility and monitor a website with tools such as Google Analytics or Ahrefs.

02|SEA & Display Marketing

Learn how to advertise your website on search engines and other websites with Google Ads.

03|Social Media Marketing

Understand how to build a social media strategy, create content for various channels, and set up ads.

04|Email Marketing

Learn how to get more subscribers, how to design a newsletter, and how to increase your conversion rate with emails.

Learn how to scale a business and become a professional Online Marketer. Make your first step today and sign up to be part of the Tech Disruption.

Where Our Graduates Work

Digital Career Institute (DCI)

The DCI is a non-profit, AZAV certified German educational institution that specializes in intensive further vocational training in the digital field.

What began as a small initiative to integrate refugees into the German labor market is now an established educational institute with over 100 employees throughout Germany. Our students benefit from the technical expertise and many years of experience of our founders, colleagues, and lecturers, who are also well connected within the industry. We will also provide you with a laptop for free to participate in our live remote classes.

We work closely together with the Jobcenter and the Agentur für Arbeit in order to get your course 100% financed and to help you to land a secure and well-paying job!